Being Open to God's Creative Solutions


Being Open to God's Creative Solutions

Ever struggle with a problem you can't think of a solution to? We've all been there before. This happened to me earlier this year, and the Lord helped me correct my course. Perhaps this blog post can help you be open to God’s creative solutions. (6 minute read)


The Incarnational Worship Leader


The Incarnational Worship Leader

When green rooms turn into retreat rooms and our love for serving people gets replaced with a love of platform, we've missed the point as worship leaders. I'm kicking off this season's blog post with what it means to be an Incarnational Worship Leader today. (6 minute read)


5 Smooth Stones Every Worship Leader Needs


5 Smooth Stones Every Worship Leader Needs

Leading worship can be a vulnerable space where anxiety confronts you on the stage. When this happens, will you be ready and armed to take down this spirit of fear? The Psalmist David was no stranger to fear and even gave us a strategy to win the battle. Click on this month’s blog post to read about five smooth stones every worship leader needs to have when fighting fear. (8 minute read)


Lets Talk About...Unhealthy Comparisons


Lets Talk About...Unhealthy Comparisons

Have you ever had to deal with unhealthy comparisons? I have, and it hurts. It's a subtle poison that eventually changes the way you view people. In this month's blog post, I unpack a bit more about the subject, discussing its psychology and trying to bring a scriptural remedy that has helped me guard against it.


Labor into His Rest


Labor into His Rest

Life can get busy. Life can get stressful. Life can even make you feel burnt out. When you feel the demands of life charging against you, it's important to know what the Bible says about God's REST in your life. You've been called as a believer to enter His REST and there is a path to get there. To read more about this life giving principle, click on the title "Labor into His rest" or click on the above picture.


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Shine Brilliantly

Have you ever thought about the nature of God as Light? I have and I've got some thoughts about it. Know this: God's light was never meant to merely entertain you but to help others see clearly in the dark. To read more about this topic, click on the "Shine Brilliantly" topic

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